Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting"

I remembered a few years back when I was suffering from depression as a result of many things I was facing in my life including a broken heart, my soothing balm was to bury myself between shelves of books in a second hand book store after work. My fingers would run from bind to bind eyes hungrily reading the titles. I was guided by the atttraction I feel towards the words etched on the spines as to whether I will as a matter of course pull the books from their slots. I felt contented and safe. I realized then how important book covers are. Even more crucial are the titles. Why? Titles are like a person's name. The covers are personas. If we do not know the authors, what would attract us to make the effort to lift the book off its place, flip through it and maybe make an investment and bring it home. It is like meeting a stranger. What would convince us to talk to someone we don't know let alone bring the person into our life? Of course, the old saying, "Do not judge the book by its cover" immediately spring to mind. Still, like it or not unless there have been previous recommendation or introduction, we don't usually walk up to a strange person and start hugging and conversing; unless we are so bolden by some law of attraction like the person's persona or physical appearance.
So, I surmised book covers should aim to make the best first impression like a person at a job interview or on a first date. I am dreaming of churning out great book covers and titles for authors or would be authors, so that the contents of their books would get its day. My favourite book title so far has been "Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting." I admit I have not yet read its contents and I don't even remember the author for on my subsequent visit, the book was no longer there. However, it shall remain my favourite book title because it made me laugh out loud in one of my darkest moments. For that alone, I hold the title in fondest memory.

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