Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blueberry Cream Cheese Muffins

Blueberries Cream Cheese Muffin (pardon the bad photo. My Nikon kept shutting down :( )
I created this over New Year weekend. Since it's a brand new year, I thought I change things a bit, instead of normal blueberry muffin, it will be a cream cheese version.

Did a quick search on the net which didn't seem to yield any results. I wasn't able to find a recipe that fully blends blueberry and cream cheese in muffin. The muffin I had in envision; is slightly lighter than the ordinary muffin, moist, textured soft and slightly crumbly. Thought I will improvised and see what turns out :)

It's a tad dense for my liking, not crumbly but moist nonetheless. Suspect I need to cut down on the flour and make it lighter. It's still in the works.

Here it is, the recipe: Blueberry Cream Cheese Muffin version 0.1

Group A
250g cream cheese
50g butter
100 ml milk

Group B
200g self-raising flour
6 egg yolks
50g dried blueberries
2 tsp baking powder

Group C
140g fine granulated sugar
6 egg whites
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1. Mix group A together over a double boiler until you get a smooth consistency. Set it a side to cool down. Then fold in the Group B ingredients gently to mix.

2. Heat the oven up at 160 degrees C.

3. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar until it is foamy. Then add in the sugar. Whisk the egg white until it becomes soft peaks.

4. Gently mix cheese and egg mixture together. Pour them into medium size paper muffin cups.

5. Bake muffins at 160 degrees C (325 degrees F) for about 15mins-20mins or until the top is light golden brown.

1 comment:

moroccan mint said...

Have you tried the no flour sugarless version? Thanks for keeping this blog alive.