Friday, January 4, 2008

Blog Beginnings

There are many kinds of blogs.

There are blogs which wax lyrical, shout rhetorical, do poetic justice, make mountains out of a molehill, upset the apple cart, flog a dead horse, thread the needle which was in the haystack, and made the straw which broke the camel's back.

This is not such a blog.

This blog is also not about hidden webcams, Britney Spears, Britney Spears' clothes (or lack thereof), tandoori or tomyam pizza, whether aliens live among us (though some of my clients and friends come real close), where to go for dinner, my girlfriend is now dating my best friend, my girlfriend is now dating my best friend's girlfriend, I found my soul after wondering clueless in the Atacama desert and a vision came to me, constitutional amendments, election primaries, caucuses and Hilary Clinton, or I did every dumb thing I can think of and I now have the damn stupid t-shirt to prove it.

No, none of the above. This will be a totally different kind of blog.

My inspiration to write in this blog came about upon the approach of the (2008) new year, when it dawned upon me that I have more or less lived half of my life (assuming an average life span of a man to be 70) and that spending the second half of my life devoted to sushi and ESPN ain't gonna cut it. After some quiet contemplation (of more or less silently counting the number of cracks on my apartment wall, which said cracks upon closer inspection seem to closely track the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index for the years 2006-2007), I have decided that I should, henceforth, attempt to resolve the following new year resolutions:

(A) write in my own blog (or failing which, write by hijacking someone else's blog e.g Moroccan Mint) NOTE 1

(B) discover the answer to the ultimate Question: WHAT DO WOMEN REALLY WANT? NOTE 2

I will divide my writings into several chapters each of What Is Life All About and What Do Women Really Want, which will appear as, when and if it pleases me to post anything in this blog. In good time, I may arrange these in their proper sequence. In the meantime, you can read them in any order that you want, I don't care. Really.

NOTE 1 I still have issues as to the correct spelling of this blog
NOTE 2 See my Question which is posed for consideration by the female members of this group, in a separate posting

1 comment:

moroccan mint said...
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