Friday, January 4, 2008

What Do Women Really Want?

For the new year, there is nothing left for me to wish to all the wonderful and beautiful ladies of this group, as I am sure that they have everything that they have ever wished for. I will, however, for this year (and for all years) wish for Love in all your hearts, since your Love and the Love of your loved ones will give you belief in yourself and make everything seem worthwhile.

For this new year also, I wish to ask of the wonderful and beautiful ladies of this group to help me discover the answer to my Question:


I appreciate anything that you can tell me, either through comments or by a private facebook message.

For your replies, I have nothing to offer you in return, except to say that I hope we will be enriched by it and that, in time, I will be a much better man and a much better person.


moroccan mint said...

The million dollar question. Does women know what they really want? But then does men know what they really want? Wants and desires change so even if at one time I thought I know what I want, later because of various changes in my life, I may then discover the things I want earlier are not for me after all.Usually the hard way. We yearn, then we get hurt and we learn. Then we cannot help being hopeful then we yearn anew, some with still the same desires and some who has taken lessons learnt to heart, yearn with more wisdom. The main thing I feel is the maturity and sincerity to deal with changes. For desires and wants like all aspects of life cannot defy the law of life: change.

Anonymous said...

I have asked this question to a few of my colleagues. In general, it depends on their age group
- between 20 to early 30s, they want romance, true love and all – which I agree;
- after 35 - they want financial security – I am not sure of this but they say it is logical because when a woman works so hard up to 35, she just wants to get married and romance without financial freedom does not appeal to woman in that age group;
- after 50 or more, there is only so much you can do with money, so you want companionship. You need someone whom you can talk to and communicate with, and not someone who pisses you off;

Women - keep your eyes wide open so as to get all three categories of men in one man… and keep your eyes half shut once you get married as there is no perfect marriage/ relationship anyway.